Sunday, April 13, 2014

Tasting - Aecht Schlenkerla Rauchbier

Name: Aecht Schlenkerla Rauchbier
Variety: Rauchbier
Region: Bavaria
Country: Germany
Year: No Year
Price: $4.25/pint
ABV: 5.1%

Their review: "Considered the classic example in its category, it has been brewed for centuries in the baroque town of Bamberg in Franconia. All its select barley malts are kilned over a fire of beech wood logs. Brewed in classic copper vessels and matured for months, it is truly a unique smoky beer experience. "

My review: Pours a deep brown, a few shades lighter than a black ale but darker than most brown ales yet still translucent. There is little to no head that doesn't last very long and leaves no lacing. Smells incredibly and overpoweringly of smoked ham. Upon tasting the smell turns into an equivalent taste of smoked ham for a second or two, and transitions into a pleasant roastiness. The flavor definitely fades quickly and leaves a faint, porter-esque aftertaste. Even warm, the body is much thinner than I would expect. Ultimately there were fewer complexities than I thought there would be, but what an interesting beer. 

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